Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Heads down

It is COLD!! Sorry, I needed to say that. It is so hard to warm this room up. Even if I set the heater to switch on an hour before I get up in the morning, it's still only 8c... I know, in a few months time I will be moaning that it's too hot (at least in the winter we don't have the humidity or mosquitoes to contend with - hey, I feel better about the cold already)!

We've been trying to keep warm by doing a bit of gymnastics, or should I say the boys have. I taught them how to do headstands this afternoon. For some reason, I have very happy memories of standing on my head when I was little. I almost regretted showing them what to do, as they're not exactly careful about how they do it... - oooh, their precious necks!! It was very funny though. Naturally, anything J can do

W can do, too

and M will try her best!

I hesitate to share this with you but, hehehe, I had to give it a try, too. And, surprisingly, I made it (but made sure that no-one had access to the camera at the time)!


  1. I can't believe how cold it has gotten lately. We had t-shirts on last week and then yesterday it snowed! Gymnastics sounds like a great way to keep warm... just keep away from the wonderful Japanese invention of paper windows! Hope you warm up soon.

  2. That is so cute! I recall spending an inordinate time on my head when little. I'd watch TV upside down. Somehow it seemed like a lot of fun at the time!

    Hope it warms up soon :) I know it gets so cold there in Winter!

  3. Hi there A! It is darn cold, right? Just too cold! I loved standing on my head and I would balance myself against the wall!
